Holy is the Lord
for He is Almighty
Holy is the Lord
for He is my God
His Grace is overflowing
His Love poured out for me
His Blood has bought my righteousness
His Peace has set me free
I will tell all the world…
Jesus… the Victory
Jesus… the Word
Jesus… the greatest story… ever heard
Jesus… the Victory
Jesus… who lives in me
Jesus… the Victory…for me…
He is Lord
Gracious is the Lord
For He is all loving
Gracious is the Lord
For He is all Truth
May His blessings fill my household
May His Faith renew my birth
May His Healing touch all nations
May His Glory fill the earth
I will tell all the world…
Jesus… the Victory
Jesus… the Word
Jesus… the greatest story… ever heard
Jesus… the Victory
Jesus… who lives in me
Jesus… the Victory…for me…
He is Lord
words & music by Richard Klender
Klenco Music (ASCAP)
Songtracker Music (CCLI)